Awesome Han Solo in Carbonite Star Wars Costume

Funny Space Rocket Optical Illusion Inflatable Costume

This funny inflatable costume makes it look like you are being blasted off into space with a rocket attached to your back like a backpack! The illusion has your real legs inside the suit while a pair of costume legs hang below the costume body, with your real...

Social Distancing with Inflatable Costumes

Inflatable costumes typically come with their own small battery-powered motors to keep their shape as they keep you comfortable. These full-body costumes extend around your body, making social distancing easier to remember (hugs are difficult). The costumes themselves offer no extra health protection but at least no one...

Inflatable Dinosaur Wrangler Kids Costume

Looking for a dinosaur-themed costume for your child to wear this Halloween? If you child loves to study dinosaurs or gets excited by Jurassic Park or Jurassic World, this costume is a great choice. Check out this fun and unique inflatable dinosaur costume.

Funny Inflatable Tube Man Halloween Costume

Get this hilarious costume and be the life of your Halloween party or trick-or-treating shenanigans. Or, you know, stand outside a car dealership and dazzle potential customers to buy a new car. Either way, this costume is a definitely eye-catching!