Character-Specific Lightsabers for Star Wars Costumes

Add a touch of authenticity to your Star Wars costume by including the right type of lightsaber! Different characters have different colored lights, types of handles, and weapon configuration. Here is a list of some famous Jedi Master lightsabers.

1 Darth Vader's Iconic Red Lightsaber

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Darth Vader probably has the most famous and most recognizable lightsaber out there, a simple single-light red number with lights, sounds, and voice.

2 Obi-Wan's Lightsaber with Blue Blade

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Before he was Darth Vader, he was Obi-Wan's padawan, Anakin Skywalker. The eventual Dark Lord served under Obi-Wan and his blue lightsaber.

3 Jedi Master Mace Windu's Purple Lightsaber

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Do you know why Mace Windu has a purple blade on his lightsaber? Because that's the color actor Samuel L. Jackson requested!

4 Ahsoka's Green Lightsaber Costume Piece

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This green bladed lightsaber is inspired by the one used by Anakin Skywalker's padawan, Ahshoka Tano.

5 Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn's Green Lightsaber

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Obi-Wan's master used a lightsaber with a green blade like this quality costume piece.

6 Clone Wars Era Skywalker Lightsaber

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This costume lightsaber is inspired by the blade wielded by Anakin Skywalker before he turned to the Dark Side. Fighting alongside clones, Master Skywalker used a blue lightsaber like this one.

7 Awesome Double-Blade Darth Maul Saber

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This is another iconic costume lightsaber, complete with double blades. The two-sided red saber used by Darth Maul is very recognizable and a must-have for anyone dressing up as Darth Maul. This one includes LED lights and sounds.

8 Kylo Ren Lightsaber with Deluxe Features

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This fun costume lightsaber is inspired by a new character to the space saga. This lightsaber has one long red blade and two smaller blades coming out of the handle, just like the one used by Kylo Ren.

Cupid Costumes & Accessories for Valentine's Day

The romantic holiday of love is coming up next month. Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th every year. Prepare to celebrate as cupid with these fun and sexy costumes and accessories. Add wings and heart-tipped arrows with your own sexy outfit or pick up a complete cupid costume right here!

Top NEW Star Wars Halloween Kids Costumes

Star Wars costumes sales are starting to skyrocket to the top of everyone's Halloween lists this year. Earlier we highlighted a great complete Luke Skywalker outfit for boys. Here are some more great Star Wars-related costume ideas for all sci-fi-loving kids. These costumes are all inspired by the upcoming sequel The Force Awakens.

Insects for Halloween

Here's another fun themed costume idea for a group of friends or family -- how about going as a bunch of insects? Here are some costume ideas for bugging out this Halloween.

Fun Turkey Novelty Outfits for Thanksgiving

Have some extra fun this Thanksgiving or start new family traditions with these original novelty turkey costumes and accessories. Walking, talking roasted turkeys, baby turkey outfits, and funny turkey hats will make everyone smile this T-Day!