Cute Dress Up Set: Pink Doctor Scrubs with Accessories

Cute Neon Skeleton Bones Girl's Costume

Spooky or darling? This costume has it all! This is a cute and colorful costume with an edgy skeleton motif. The outfit transforms the wearer into a neon tutu-sporting skeleton!

Devil & Angel Costume Youth Dress

This is a cute "Naughty and Nice" costume dress that is part angel and part devil. There are two sides of every person, so this cute costume dress is suitable for almost everyone!

Affordable Strawberry Shortcake Tween Costume

Just in time for peak strawberry season in the upper Midwest -- this is an adorable Strawberry Shortcake costume made for young teen girls.

Rain Poncho & Jacket Halloween Costumes

Is there rain forecast for Halloween? Don't let the weather ruin your trick-or-treating fun! Or maybe you're looking for something fun to wear during the rainy season (you know what they say about April showers!). Either way, pick up a water-proof costume like the rain gear featured here....