Funny & Strange for Halloween: Floating Through Halloween Like a Hippie Ghost Sweatshirt

A funny vintage style illustration of a ghost with flowers and backed with a retro rainbow motif is captioned with a silly and funny phrase: Floating Through Halloween like a Hippie Ghost (in all caps).
This silly design with its fun slogan for hippies makes a great choice for a unique Halloween sweatshirt. The design can also be found on other apparel options; see choices below.
Halloween Hippie Ghost Apparel Options
A poem about hippies on Halloween, courtesy of ChatGPT:
In a van down by the creek,
Hippies gathered, looking unique.
On Halloween night, they'd often say,
"Why dress up? We're this way every day!"
Flower crowns and tie-dye galore,
Every hippie knocking on your door.
They don't want candy, just peace and love,
And maybe some incense from the store above.
Their "boos" are gentle, their spirits are free,
On Halloween night, a hippie spree!
So if you see them, don't be alarmed,
They're just spreading good vibes, unharmed.