Hero for Halloween: Serena Williams DIY Costume

Dress up as feminist icon Serena Williams for Halloween with a trendy and in-the-news costume that will attract attention. Serena's awesome catsuit outfit that she wore during the French Open was regarded as disrespectful by competition authorities, even though she wore it for health reasons (she needed the extra compression following a difficult pregnancy and birth). The star player took the ban in stride, making us love her even more. If you'd like to dress up like our heroine, here are some ideas for putting together an outfit.

1 Nike Scoop Logo Black T-Shirt

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Without going full compression for Halloween, just do it with this simple black Nike tee with the logo in the right place.

2 Black Nike Pro Full Length Tights

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These long black tights from Nike look a lot like the black compression pair that Serena wore in the notorious match.

3 Nathan The Hipster, Small, Pompeian Red

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Red Belt [Running Belt with Pouches] Serena's outfit had a simple red belt across her waist. A sports belt like this red one from Nathan does the trick.

What Kind of Medeival Crusader Knight Will You Be?

Dress as a real or imagined historical figure by donning a costume tunic inspired by the Knights of the Templar Order. This high quality historically inspired tunic comes in a variety of color combinations and can be purchased with or without sleeves to best customize your desired...

Trending Costume Idea: Monopoly Man

On October 4th, a peaceful protester attended the Senate's Equifax hearing dressed up as Rich Uncle Pennybags -- better known as The Monopoly Man. This is an easy "ripped-from-the-headlines" costume you can put together with just a few affordable pieces.

Hot for 2018: Fortnite Costumes for Adults

Fortnite is a gaming sensation, so it makes sense that costumes inspired by characters from the saga are going to be hot Halloween costumes this year. Here are some favorites.

Metallic Look Top & Leggings Costume Base Pieces

Looking to do a little costume DIY? These fun metallic-look pieces are a great base for several different costumes. Think robots,Goldfinger victim, alien or astronaut, steampunk look, rock or pop star, or video game character! Let your imagination run wild with these base costume garment pieces. The stretchy material...